DOI: 10.24412/2470-1262-2023-3-15-30
Abstract: The connection of the Pugachev uprising with the staroobriadtsy, raskolniki or Old
Believers is also noted in the general works on the history of the eighteenth century. A.S.Pushkin in his work “The History of the Pugachev Rebellion,” giving a description of the leader of the uprising, called him “Don Cossack, Raskolnik Pugachev.” Under the influence of Pushkin’s work, many prerevolutionary historians considered the Old Believers to be one of the main driving forces of the uprising. This idea was based mainly on three factors. First, Pugachev was associated with the Old Believers, especially with Filaret, the Old Believer abbot in Irgiz. Secondly, many of the Iaik Cossacks, who were the main force of the uprising, were Old Believers. Thirdly, Pugachev’s manifestos and decrees contained Old Believer motifs. Thus, there was a certain tendency to consider the split as a phenomenon most directly related to the uprising of Pugachev in the pre-revolutionary historical literature. Looking at previous studies, the following questions surfaced. First, how Pugachev related to the Old Believers on the eve of the uprising? Especially did the Old Believers influence the pretending of Pugachev? Secondly, did the Old Believers play an important role in the process of Pugachev’s uprising? What traces or influences of the Old Believers can we notice in the specific activities, decrees, and manifestos of the Pugachev camp? We will investigate these problems.
Keywords: Pugachev Rebellion, Old Believers, Iaik Cossacks, Cross and Beard, Flags
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Information about the author:
Toyokawa, Koichi (Tokyo, Japan) – PhD. (History and Area Studies), Prof., Department of History and geography, School of Arts and Letters, Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan,
For citation: Toyokawa Koichi, (2023). Old Believers and the Pugachev Rebellion: Pugachev’s Strategy and Support by Old Believers. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science, Vol. 8, Issue 3 (2023), pp.15-30 (in USA)
Manuscript received 20/09/2023
Accepted for publication: 20/11/2023