DOI: 10.24411/2470-1262-2020-10071
Abstract: The Soviet era, as a dramatic process of creation and implementation of a social Utopia, is notable for the birth of a new, transformed, “Soviet language” modified in comparison with the Russian literary language and called “Novoyaz”. Its main task was to represent and defend the prevailing political dogma. This “quasi-language of Utopia” was used in a certain social and speech sphere as an annex to the national language created by a politically dominant social group. This is a language of declarations and prescriptions, slogans and propaganda posters – a convenient language for the proclamation of a New Ideal Society.
Keywords: Novoyaz, Russian national linguistic diglossia, a quasi-language of utopia, ideological clichés, theory of social and linguistic Habitus, monoconsciousness as a form of thinking, monosystem as a system that proclaims its unique singularity, totalitarian ideology, collective idiostyle, collective memory, impulses of collective unconscious
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Information about the author: Vassili V. Bouilov (Helsinki, Finland), Doctor of Philosophy (FT/PhD) Senior lecturer of Russian Language and Translation, University of Eastern Finland (UEF), Faculty of Philosophy, School of Humanities, Foreign Languages and Translation Studies, P.O. Box 111, 80101 Joensuu, FINLAND. Office: Agora 260, E-mail:, Mob. +358414539704. Home and personal post address: Vassili Bouilov, Eerikinkatu 23 A11, 00180 Helsinki, Finland. The GLEDID Member Consultant, Expert and Official Representative in Finland of the Guild of Linguistic Experts in Documentation and Information Disputes and of its Scientific and Advisory Council (GLEDID/ ГЛЭДИС, A Russian and International NGO/non-governmental non-profit organization, Moscow, Russian Federation). Published scientific works – more than 50 (lingua-Stylistic, Lingua-Cultural, Literary, Semiotic and Translation Studies, specialization in different aspects of Andrei Platonov’s Idiostyle, Ontology and other writer’s Creative Activities, i.e. Platonovovedenie).
For citation: Bouilov Vassili, (2020).
Novoyaz as Quasi-language of Political Dogma in its
Proclamation of New Ideal Society.
Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science
Vol.5, Issue 2 (2020), pp. 6-20 (in USA)