DOI: 10.24412/2470-1262-2023-2-58-64

Abstract: The article is dedicated to the possible solutions of paradoxes, their discussion and their use within the framework of university education. Each paradox of physics contains two contradictory arguments, and by showing that one of the arguments contains an error, it eliminates the supposed contradiction, and this is what is called the resolution of the paradox. In the paper, it is presented that discussions of possible solutions to paradoxes are one of the important areas of contemporary scientific research and higher education. Actually, paradoxes are resolved by refining the definition of the relevant concept. Since ancient times, paradoxes have occupied the minds of the best thinkers of mankind, and their solution is associated with serious epistemological difficulties. Analyzing paradoxes is an excellent way to train and develop students’ ability to think independently.

The work is considering the methodology of using paradoxes of physics in the university course. The activation of students’ interest in the subject of physics through the paradoxes of physics, the paradoxes as the focus of students’ attention on the studied topic, the development of independent thinking during the discussion of paradoxes are discussed.

Keywords: paradoxes of physics, methodology, independent thinking, creative thinking, wave-particle duality, Schrödinger’s cat


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Information about the Author: Mariam R. Gevorgyan (Yerevan, Armenia) – PhD in Physics. Researcher, Institute for Physical Research, NAS of Armenia. Lecturer, Faculty of Informatics and Applied Mathematics, French University in Armenia /UFAR/, Yerevan, Armenia. 

ORCiD, 0000-0003-2927-0437.


For citation: Gevorgyan Mariam Rafik, (2023).

Methodology for Developing Students’ Thinking

Using Paradoxes of Physics.   

Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science, Vol. 8, Issue 2, (2023), pp.58-64 (in USA)

Manuscript received: 11/05/2023

Accepted for publication: 08/07/2023

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