DOI: 10.24411/2470-1262-2020-10083
Abstract: The article enhances some questions about the choice of the program material on “Physics Teaching Methodology (PTM) in the master’s degree” for those who have chosen physics as a profession. Adopting the fact, that master’s degree is the second academic degree and is an educational substantive level of higher education, the demands which are necessary to take into account while choosing the PTM course program material, have been analyzed and justified. Taking into account the fact that the learners are also aimed at getting ready for the further research activities and postgraduate studies, PTM course must be orientated on commenting all the basic ideas of physics in school course, in acquiring and using the methodological principles of physics, mastering all the cognitive methods and physics teaching modern technology. As a PTM course program material in master’s degree it is suggested to involve such topics, which have lately been of great use
in the didactics. They are “The advancing teaching elements in teaching physics”, “The organization of generalizing repetitions in physics”, as well as some methodological questions about phenomenon of physics and mathematical modeling. In the presented project much attention is given to the expansion of interdisciplinary connections between physics and mathematics, to the phenomenon of physics, to the quality description of processes and also to some methodological questions on physics problems in different knowledge levels.
Keywords: Program, selection of material, basic ideas of physics, methodological principles, scientific cognitive methods, advancing teaching, organizing repetition
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Information about the authors:
Armen M. Tsaturyan (Vanadzor, Armenia) – Doctor of Pedagogics, Ph.D., Associate
Professor, H. Tumanyan Vanadzor State University “Vanadzor Special School of Deep
Teaching Mathematics and Natural Sciences” SNPO, e-mail:
Svetlana M. Minasyan (Yerevan, Armenia) – Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Pedagogical
Department, Armenia State Pedagogical University, 130 published articles. ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9301-4927; Author ID: 56576171400 (Scopus); Scopus Researcher ID: 765668; SPINCOD:6745-3510; Wos Researcher ID: AAB-7777-2019, e-mail:
For citation: Tsaturyan Armen M., Minasyan Svetlana M., (2020).
Methodological Analysis of «Teaching Methodology of
Physics in the Master’s Degree» Course Trajectories.
Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science
Vol.5, Issue 2 (2020), pp. 115-121 (in USA)