DOI: 10.24412/2470-1262-2024-1-73-84


Abstract: Introducing an innovative method of decoded language analysis based on active segmentation and decoding of concatenated words in a text. The uniqueness of this proprietary idea lies in the separation of concatenated words within a sentence, contributing to a more profound comprehension of texts. Students analyze concatenated sentences, breaking them into phrases, and subsequently construct coherent sentences. This method cultivates skills in structural thinking, critical analysis, and constructive learning. The acquired skills not only facilitate a deeper assimilation of the material but also contribute to the development of overall language competencies among students. Within the context of educational paradigms, the method demonstrates the ability to stimulate the creative potential of students. During the decoding process and the formulation of understandable sentences, students develop analytical thinking and showcase creativity by generating unique interpretations of the text. This synthesis of structural analysis and creativity fosters a profound understanding of language constructions, promoting a more harmonious learning experience.

Keywords: decoding, segmentation, syntagmatic parsing, segmented structure, reprisal, anticipation



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Information about the Author:

Ohanyan Koryun M. (Yerevan, Armenia) is a Russian language and literature teacher at Primary School No. 1 in the Republic of Armenia, Aragatsotn Region, V. Bazmaberd, and also at the Secondary School named after H. Hovhannisyan in the Aragatsotn Region, N. Sasnashen. He holds a master’s degree and graduated from the Kh. Abovian Armenian State Pedagogical University. Contact email:  ORCID-0009-0005-2353-0302


For citation: Ohanyan Koryun M. (2024).

Method of Segmented and Decoded Language Analysis.

Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science,

Vol. 9, Issue 1 (2024), pp. 73-84 (in USA)

Manuscript received: 09/01/2024

Accepted for publication: 25/03/2024