

Abstract: The article is devoted to the research of mental sensitivity, that is, the characterological feature of a person inherent in him and due to the work of his psyche. The study highlighted the following types of mental sensitivities: age, emotional, temperamental, social, interpersonal, intellectual, cultural, intercultural and aesthetic. Moreover, among the mental types of sensitivity there are types that give a mental characteristic of a person, and types that give the possibility of evaluating himas a person. The study of mental sensitivity is significantly complicated, and at present there are no exact measurements of it. The study of mental sensitivity is significantly complicated, and at present there are no exact measurements of it. The study of mental sensitivity gives an understanding that the human psyche is a sensational network. The mental sensational network is represented by endless variants of the diversity of the human psyche. It is mobile under conditions of partial adjustment. This is what forms its uniqueness, which varies from person to person, which is a factor in human survival as a biological species. All types of sensitivities are innate and are due to human genetics. The study showed that their study contributes to a certain and limited adjustment of a person with an educational goal. Basically, the study of sensitivity is carried out within the framework of psychology and sociology, but it should be recognized that the role of the study of sensitivity in pedagogy is also great. All types of sensitivities somehow affect the ability of the student to perceive and assimilate information. Presented in some form and degree, they can both accelerate and complicate the process of interiorization, and therefore they require special study.

Keywords: mental sensitivity, sensitivity network, creativity, learning ability, learning ability



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Information about the Authors:

Nekipelova Irina (Izhevsk, Russia) – PhD, Head of the Department «Russian as a Foreign Language», Director of Testing center, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University. Winner of the “Scientist of the Year 2020” in the category “Humanities: languages and literature” (International Achievements Research Center) (Chicago, USA). Research fields: history of Russian language, language philosophy, teaching Russian as a foreign language; author of over 140 publications, 5 monographs and textbook «Russian as a foreign language: Step by step». E-mail:


ORCID: 0000-0001-8448-3000

SCOPUS ID: 57191414786

Web of Science ResearcherID: AAS-9439-2021

SPIN-код: 8968-4493

AuthorID: 394021

Nekipelov Eduard (Izhevsk, Russia) – student of the Faculty of Energy, Institute of Translators in the field of professional communication, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University. Research fields: Russian language; teaching Russian as a foreign language; pedagogy, comparative linguistics.



For citation: Nekipelova Irina M., Nekipelov Eduard Sh. (2024).

Mental Sensitivity as an Internal Personality Factor that

Determines its Ability to Learn.

Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science,

Vol. 9, Issue 1, (2024), 91-104 (in USA)

Manuscript received: 10/02/2024

Accepted for publication: 25/03/2024