DOI: 10.24411/2470-1262-2019-10052
Literature as any other art must reflect surrounding world including people’s life, thoughts, impressions and happenings. So, time and space become important part of author’s view of reality. Philologist V. N. Toporov introduced a new termin of «Peterburg text» in 1995. Philologist A. P. Lusiy, author of theory that proves that conception of culture is summary of local texts, demonstrates that every local text introducing descriptions, images, characters comply with unique mentality and feelings. Lusiy, using that theory, introduce idea of «Crimean text» and «Caucasian text». He also shows that Caucasus on sensual level became the East for Russian romantics, a place where mental ideas become poetical reality [4]. Many poets and writers were captured in Caucasus. But Armenia isn’t Caucasus. Obviosly, speaking about new poetical space we should use a new «Armenian text».
This topic is very actual because Osip Mandelstam’s reabilitation lasted for fifty years. First he was justified from his second conviction of 1938, then on, 28 october 1987 by decision of Supreme court of USSR was acquitted by his first case of 1934. This text consists of introduction, main part, ending, list of literature.
Keywords: Mandelstam and Armenia, Armenian text, Special place of Armenia in Mandelstam’s poetry, consequences Mandelstam’s visit in Armenia
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Information about the author:
Elena A. Shuvaeva-Petrosyan (Moscow, Russia – Yerevan, Armenia). Postgraduate student of the Literary Institute after A. M. Gorky, member of the Writers’ Union of Armenia, editor-in-chief of GORA Magazine, Press Secretary of the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Yerevan.E-mail:
The author expresses gratitude of Vladimir P. Smirnov, K. F. n., head of the Department of Modern Literature at the Literary Institute. A. M. Gorky, Moscow, Russia
For citation: Shuvaeva-Petrosyan Elena A., (2019). Mandelstam O.E. Armenian Text (To the 80th death anniversary). Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science. Vol 4, Issue 2 (2019), pp. 92-99 (in USA)
Manuscript received: 05/11/ 2019
Accepted for publication: 06/17/2019
The authors have read and approved the final manuscript.
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