DOI: 10.24411/2470-1262-2020-10092


This article reveals linguocultural media features of the image of the State in the Coronavirus era. The authors analyze the most frequent thematic aspects of creating the image of Russian Federation in pandemic conditions in different media cultures. The study was based on articles from the modern American, British, and Spanish mass media. The main methods of the study are discourse analysis, lexical and semantic analysis, stylistic analysis, interpretive analysis, reception of a continuous sample from American, British, and Spanish mass media from March to July 2020. Main thematic aspects of the image of the state Russia in the American, British, and Spanish media messages during the coronavirus era were identified: Russia’s understated data on coronavirus, the creation of a vaccine, problems in the field of Health Care, coronavirus and its influence on the mood of society. We have established that the American, British, and Spanish mass media cover all the identified topics, most of which implement mainly negative connotations, creating a negative image of Russia for the readership of the linguistic cultures under consideration.

Keywords: COVID-19, pandemic, image of Russia, self-isolation, quarantine, American, British, and Spanish media discourse


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Information about the authors:

Marina R. Zheltukhina (Volgograd, Russian Federation) – Doctor of Philology, professor at the Russian Academy of Education, professor at the English Philology Department of the Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University (400066, Volgograd, V.I. Lenin Avenue, 27), professor at the Department of German Studies and Linguodidactics of the Moscow City University (105064, Moscow, Malyj Kazennyj pereulok 5B; E-mail: She has more than 450 publications. Fields of research: discursive linguistics, media linguistics, political linguistics, business communication, cognitive linguistics, psycho-, socio and geolinguistics, linguosemiotics, pragmalinguistics, linguoculturology, cultural anthropology, linguodidactics.  

Daria V. Paramonova (Moscow, Russian Federation) – lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages and Speech Communication of the Moscow International University (125040, Moscow, Leningradsky Highway, 17), PhD. Student at the Moscow City University (105064, Moscow, Malyj Kazennyj pereulok 5B).


She has published 6 articles. Fields of research: discursive linguistics, media linguistics, political linguistics, business communication, cognitive linguistics, psycho- and sociolinguistics, linguosemiotics, pragmalinguistics, linguoculturology.

For citation: Zheltukhina M.R., Paramonova D.V., (2020). Linguocultural Media Features of the Image of the State in the Coronavirus Era.  Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science  Vol. 5, Issue 3 (2020), pp. 67-79  (in USA)