DOI: 10.24411/2470-1262-2019-10029


The paper presents a stylistic analysis of the representation of the earthly Aphrodite in the poetic works by Vladimir Solovyov. The main focus is on the specific features of linguistic expression of the semantics of poetic picture, associated with the philosophical perception of the role of feminine inception in the process of spiritual development of the world and human. The research deals with lexico-semantic devices which form the pictures of the earthly Aphrodite with respect to the author´s world view, his creative methods, and the philosophical and religious sources which influenced the poetic picture of the world as he saw it. The function of key lexemes which form the principal esthetic dominants of the poetic picture is examined from the point of view of determining the combination of the key lexis with textual associations, lexical environment and semantic relations to other lexemes within the framework of one semantic whole.

The practical material used in the research are selected poems by Vladimir Solovyov whose theme is representation of eternal femininity as the ideal divine inception in earthly conditions. The place and the role of an enlightened man in the creative process is another important element of the semantic structure of figurative representations of integration of heavenly worlds, the Higher and the physical, Lower.

The scholarly contribution of the presented analysis rests in the insufficiently researched linguistic aspect of the analysis of Solovyov´s poems. This paper extends research by the current author, dealing with the comprehensive linguistic analysis of representation of beauty in the poetic work of Vladimir Solovyov.

Keywords: аnalysis, text, poetic picture, semantics, dominant lexemes, authorial style, eternal femininity, Universal Unity (Всеединство), human


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Information about the author: Simona Korycankova (Brno, Czech Republic)Assoc. Prof. PhDr. Mgr., Ph.D. Head of the Department of Russian Language and Literature, Faculty of Education, Masaryk University, address: Porici 9, Brno 603 00, Czech Republic, e-mail: korycankova@ped.muni.cz 

Research on Russian lexicology, lexical semantic analysis of particular philosophical works of the late 19th and early 20th centuries in Russia. Research on Russian Symbolism, especially manifestos of Russian symbolism and its cultural base. Research on Russian philosophy, particularly the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Specializing in the personality and work of Russian philosopher and poet V.S. Solovyov. Author of over 170 scholarly publications.

For citation: Simona Korycankova, (2019). Lexico-semantic Variation in the Pictures of Earthly Aphrodite in the Poetic Works of Vladimir Solovyov. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science. Vol.4, Issue 1 (2019), pp.15-24(in USA)

Manuscript received: 03/15/ 2019

Accepted for publication: 03/17/2019

The authors have read and approved the final manuscript.

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