DOI: 10.24411/2470-1262-2020-10075

Abstract:The article deals with the problem of forming the communicative competence of students taking into account the new socio-cultural conditions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It is shown that in the conditions of growing public demand for technical specialists of the new formation, it is necessary to ensure the formation of socio-cultural communicative competence of students at all levels and at all levels of education, including in higher educational institutions of technical profile.

Keywords: personality socialization, sociocultural competence, communicative competence, intercultural interaction, cognitive-communicative principle, sociocultural comfort

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Information about the authors: Ismakova Bibissara (Karaganda, Kazakhstan) – Professor of Department of Theory andMethodology for Teaching humanities and technical disciplines, Faculty of Engineering, Karaganda State Technical University (100027, 56/1 the prospect of President Nursultan Nazarbayev, Karaganda, Kazakhstan). Her research fields are: cross-cultural linguistics, cross-cultural communication, humanities. E-mail:
Gotting Valentina (Karaganda, Kazakhstan) – candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate
Professor of Theory and Methodology for Teaching humanities and technical disciplines,
Faculty of Engineering, Karaganda State Technical University (100027, 56/1 the prospect of
President Nursultan Nazarbayev, Karaganda, Kazakhstan). Her research fields are:
humanities. SPIN-code: 4864-4095. E-mail: 

Nurmaganbetova Manshuk (Karaganda, Kazakhstan) – candidate of chemical Sciences,
associate Professor of Theory and Methodology for Teaching humanities and technical
disciplines, Faculty of Engineering, Karaganda State Technical University (100027, 56/1 the
prospect of President Nursultan Nazarbayev, Karaganda, Kazakhstan). Her research fields are: Humanities and chemical Sciences. SPIN-code: 5803-4306. E-mail:
Meruyert Umirbekova (Karaganda, Kazakhstan) – Master, teacher of specialized disciplines, Faculty of Engineering, Karaganda State Technical University (100027, 56/1 the prospect of President Nursultan Nazarbayev, Karaganda, Kazakhstan). Her research fields are: humanities. E-mail:

For citation: Ismakova Bibissara, Gotting Valentina,
Nurmaganbetova Manshuk, Umirbekova Meruyert, (2020).
Language as Means of Forming Socio-Cultural Competence
Among Students of Technical University.
Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science
Vol. 5, Issue 2 (2019), pp. 46-52 (in USA)