DOI: 10.24412/2470-1262-2022-2-36-45


The article is devoted to the problem of researching the ways and dangers of linguistic globalization as a possibility of creating and forming a single globalized language, capable of ousting the rest of the world’s languages from the socio-anthropological space. The presented research is a continuation of the study of the interaction of an objective language – a metalanguage, recognized by all its speakers, and a multitude of subjective languages – individual subjective linguistic ideas about the world, into which the language breaks up, functioning in the socio-anthropological space. The study showed that the interaction of the universal metaphor of the language system and its many unique variants gives rise, on one hand, to centrism, caused by the desire of the language to be understood by all its speakers, and on the other hand, polycentrism – the formation of many centers within one system (subsystems of the system), which due to the behavior of the language as a dissipative system. It is centrism in the interaction of these processes that realizes the tendency of the language to globalize it. In the course of the study, it was revealed that the use of uniform, integrated by society, standardized language stereotypes and patterns threaten the programming of people for depersonalization and is fraught with “the dangers of cultural and linguistic unification.” However, according to the author, the process of centrism as a method of globalization of one language cannot be fully realized, since simultaneously with centrism, the processes of polycentrism, conditioned by the manifestation of the author’s principle, operate in the language. The opposition of centrism and polycentrism brings an objective language and a diverse set of subjective languages into collision, giving rise to adaptive diversity within one globalized language. In conclusion, the study concluded that the processes of globalization are inevitably accompanied by the processes of de-globalization, when one has to talk about the mechanisms that prevent the emergence of a common, maximally globalized language as a universal supranational semiotic code. Apparently, the final result of globalization is impossible, since the globalization of a language is an endless process: an objective language is forced to constantly absorb many subjective languages, while simultaneously disintegrating into these languages. In general, linguistic globalization and deglobalization are natural processes in the development of a particular language system, since they are conditioned by the specifics of human thinking arising from its contradictions.

Keywords: globalization and deglobalization of language; mechanisms of linguistic centrism and polycentrism, interaction between objective and subjective languages


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Information about the author:

Nekipelova Irina (Izhevsk, Russia) – PhD, Head of the Department «Russian as a Foreign Language», Director of Testing center, M.T. Kalashnikov Izhevsk state technical university. Winner of the “Scientist of the Year 2020” in the category “Humanities: languages and literature” (International Achievements Research Center) (Chicago, USA). Research fields: history of Russian language, language philosophy, teaching Russian as a foreign language; author of over 150 publications, 5 monographs and textbook «Russian as a foreign language: Step by step».


ORCID: 0000-0001-8448-3000

SCOPUS ID: 57191414786

Web of Science ResearcherID: AAS-9439-2021

SPIN-код: 8968-4493

AuthorID: 394021

For citation: Nekipelova Irina M., (2022).

Interaction of Subjective and Objective Language Systems in the Process of Globalization and Deglobalization of Languages.

Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science, Vol. 7, Issue 2 (2022), pp. 36-45 (in USA)

Manuscript received 27/04/2022 – Accepted for publication: 31/05/2022