DOI: 10.24411/2470-1262-2019-10032


The phenomenon of silence is being actively studied in late 20th century, which was conditioned by a number of factors: development of the theory of communication, linguistic factor in humanities fostering researches in the fields of linguistic philosophy, hermeneutics. Multiple cross-disciplinary researches contributed to the study of this sophisticated phenomenon. Nevertheless, the author of the article analyses the aspects of silence which have not been illustrated by the practical material and has not been theoretically generalized, namely, the decoding of silence in different linguocultures; diachronical aspect of silence, its sociolinguistic characteristics, and problems of translation, paradigmatics and syntagmatics of silence, and linguosemiotic mechanism. The article also elaborated another interesting issue such as functioning of silence in media texts. 

Keywords: cultural memory, linguistic aspects, dynamics of cultural concepts, urban names, language policy, manipulation of the collective memory


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Information about the author: Marine V. Aroshidze (Batumi, Georgia) – Professor, Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, Department of Slavic Studies.

Research Interests:

– Comparative study of Slavic and Georgian philology;

– Linguoculturology and Cultural Memory;

– Translational theory and practice;

– Methods of teaching foreign languages ​​ 

Over 100 articles

Acknowledgements: Authors of the article would like to thank the editors of Cross-Cultural Studies and Managing Editor Prof. S.M. Minasyan for providing consultation on technical editing of the article.

For citation: Marine V. Aroshidze (2019). Informativity of Silence and Problems of its Decoding. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science. Vol.4, Issue 1 (2019), pp.46-57(in USA)

Manuscript received: 02/10/ 2019

Accepted for publication: 03/17/2019

The authors have read and approved the final manuscript.

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