DOI: 10.24412/2470-1262-2021-3-27-32


In the article “I.A. Brodsky. Poetics. Mythological, social, moral images and motives in creation” the works of the writer are explored in philosophical, ethical and aesthetic planes, the mythological social images and motives are revealed, and the development of humanistic traditions of Russian and world literature is traced.

 Keywords: Nobel Prize winner, dialogue of cultures, poetic, A.S. Pushkin, Anna Akhmatova, Eliot Thomas Stearns, Andrei Platonov


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  10. Redkaya nezavisimost. Intervyu I.Brodskogk s Olgoj Sedakovoj. 25 noyabrya 1989 g. Glazgo// Valentina Polukhina «Brodskii glazamii sovremennikov»; [Sb. intervyu] / V.P.Polukhina. – SPb.: Zvezda, 1997, №1. – С. 217- 232.
  11. Platonov Andrej. Anna Akhmatova // А.Platonov. sobr. Soch.:V 3 тт. Т.2. – М., 1985, 528 s. S. 362, 363
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Information about the author:

 Serafimova Vera Dmitrievna (Moscow, Russia) – PhD of Philology, Assistant Professor, Moscow Pedagogical State University. Professional interests: Traditions of Andrei Platonov in the philosophical and aesthetic searches of modern prose; Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, George Orwell, Andrey Platonov, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Maximilian Voloshin, Boris Yekimov; Valentina Rasputina, L. Borodina: Bileyskie motives, images, plots in Russian literature.


For citation: Serafimova Vera D., (2021). I.A.Brodsky. Poetics. Mythological, Social, Moral Images and Motives in Creation. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science. Vol.6, Issue 3 (2021), pp. 27-32 (in USA)

Manuscript received 11/08/2021 – Accepted for publication: 30/09/2021