DOI: 10.24412/2470-1262-2024-2-61-70


Abstract: The development of creative abilities in foreign students in Russian language classes is an urgent problem of modern pedagogy, since the educational environment for personal development promotes socialization, where training and education are a single process aimed at preparing highly educated, and widely erudite, cultural, creatively thinking specialists. The article discusses ways to develop creative abilities in foreign students by writing creative works, in particular essays. It is noted that the essay, being a type of creative written work, requires a combination of skills of observation, reflection, criticism, analysis, reasoning, communication, empathy, and creativity. The difficulty of writing essays for foreign students is pointed out, which lies in the fact that the ways of expressing thoughts and opinions depend on the culture of the country. The article presents the following types of essays: a miniature essay, an essay on key words, an essay on a text, an essay on an excursion, an essay on a movie, an essay on a painting, an essay on a free topic, an essay on a topic in a specialty, an essay on a literary text, an essay-review. The features of the proposed types of essays and the methodology for conducting them are also described. Some techniques have been proposed to promote the effectiveness of writing essays, namely: offering a variety of topics; discussion support and feedback; encouragement of originality, encouragement to think outside the box and look for your own unique writing style; using inspirational materials (where you can get inspiration and learn from examples); creating competitions and publishing the best works on the university website or on social network blogs. It is noted that when writing essays, teachers must find and apply creative, innovative ideas in their curriculum, because creativity and innovation are becoming increasingly important for the development of an information multicultural society.

Keywords: foreign students, Russian language, creativity, language learning, Russian as a foreign language, culture of dialogue, speech development, written essays



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Information about the Authors: 

Anzhela Demianiuk (Kars, Turkey) – Candidate of Philological Sciences, Assosiate Professor, Assosiate Professor of the department of Slavic languages and literatures Kafkas University (Kars, Turkey) Spheres of research and professional interest: conceptology, speech culture, Russian as a foreign language and methods of teaching, Cross-Cultural Communication 


ORCID: 0000-0001-7704-4157 

Isayev Khurshud Bairam ohlu (Kars, Turkey) – Doctor of Philology Science, Professor, Professor of the department of Slavic languages and literatures Kafkas University (Kars, Turkey) Spheres of research and professional interest: history of Russian literature, Modern Russian literature, philological analysis of the text, etymology and history of words in the Russian language. E-mail:

ORCID: 0000-0002-4578-3833


For citation: Demianiuk Anzhela А., Isayev Khurshud В. (2024). Essay as a Way for Forming Creative Thinking of Foreign Students. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science,

Vol. 9, Issue 2 (2024), pp. 61-70 (in USA)

Manuscript received 11/06/2024

Accepted for publication: 20/07/2024