DOI: 10.24411/2470-1262-2020-100076
Abstract: The paper is devoted to a very interesting period in the history of the formation of the English national language, which took place in the 16th century known as the late Renaissance. The authors present their point of view on such an aspect of the worldview of the epoch as the transformation of the philosophy of understanding as a factor in the development of information culture of the era when the worldview criteria of the language interpreter became especially important factor of scientific thinking. This idea fully explains the direction of the formation of scientific, including philosophical terminology of the research period.
Keywords: Renaissance, transformation, understanding philosophy, information
culture, concept, categories, worldview
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Information about the authors:
Shadmanov Kurban Badriddinovich (Bukhara, Uzbekistan) – Doctor of Philosophy,
Professor, Head of English Chair at the Bukhara State Medical Institute.
Davlatova Mukhayyo Hasanovna (Bukhara, Uzbekistan) – senior teacher of English Chair
ay the Bukhara State Medical Institute.
Ostonova Sanam Nematovna (Bukhara, Uzbekistan) – senior teacher of English Chair at
the Bukhara State Medical Institute.
Radjabova Azima Temurovna (Bukhara, Uzbekistan) – Senior Teacher of English Chair at
the Bukhara State Medical Institute.
For citation: Shadmanov Kurban B., Davlatova Mukhayyo H., Ostonova Sanam N.,
Radjabova Azima T., (2020).
English Renaissance: transformation of philosophy understanding as a factor of
information culture development of the epoch. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science (CCS&ES). Vol.5, Issue 4 (2020), pp. 61-67 (in USA)