DOI: 10.24411/2470-1262-2020-10086

Abstract: This article analyzes the ways and forms of distance learning and its organization at the present stage in Moscow State Pedagogical University, based on the authors’ experience during the pandemic of 2020. The problems of replacing classical, traditional and distance education using the Internet that are important for modern higher education are raised. Considering the advantages of distance learning, the authors indicate the possibility of studying in a flexible schedule, at an individual’s pace, without interruption from the main activity, in one’s comfort zone and outside of the subjective assessment of student achievements. Based on the analysis of their experience in distance education (the InfoDa portal, Webinar, Zoom, Skype, Discort, etc. platforms), the authors describe the main forms of the teacher’s work with students, their advantages and disadvantages: “insecurity” about copyright, the impossibility of problematic lectures in the absence of feedback from the audience, restrictions on the use of creative forms of work, and a significant increase in the load of the teacher, etc. In the absence of a variety of emotional stimuli, students have problems of psychological adaptation, the creative level of work decreases, and a lack of self-discipline is observed. The authors emphasize that distance education can be worthy of support and diversify traditional learning. It can be used for advanced training, self-education, and accompanying students with special educational needs.

Keywords: distance education, IT technologies, educational platforms, self-organization,
motivation, self-education skills, scientific research, creative activity

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Information about the authors:
Natalya Viktorovna Korepanova (Moscow, Russia) – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,
Associate Professor, Department of Pedagogy, Institute of Higher Education, Moscow State
Pedagogical University Moscow. Russia. ORCID 0000-0003-0359-8258, SPIN-код: 7108-
5041, AuthorID: 754862. Moscow. Tashkentskaya 18 bldg. 4, nv.korepanova@mpgu.su
Elena Aleksandrovna Starodubova (Moscow, Russia) – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,
Associate Professor, Department of Pedagogy, Institute of Higher Education, Moscow State
Pedagogical University Moscow. Russia. ORCID 0000-0002-6502-2425; SPIN-код: 4490-
8140, AuthorID: 735116. Moscow. Tashkentskaya 18 bldg. ea.starodubova@mpgu.su

For citation:Korepanova Natalia V., Starodubova Elena A., (2020).
Distance Learning: Challenges and Prospects.
Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science
Vol.5, Issue 2(2020), pp. 139-149 (in USA)