DOI: 10.24412/2470-1262-2022-3 -98-106


The article is devoted to the description of the practice of studying the Mongolian speech act as an ethnocultural phenomenon. The tasks of the article are connected to accommodate two aspects of the speech act: linguistic and linguocultural. In this aspect, in order to describe the speech communicative culture, we have provided a description of the modifiers of the category of polite request as a kind of regulatory “mechanisms” of speech in general. The methodology of describing a speech act in practical aspect models the possible operation of lexical markers, the content of which verifies both the linguistic and ethno-cultural space of one of the categories of a speech act as a “request”. The descriptive and comparative method makes it possible, since it is the comparison of examples of a speech act of different linguocultures – Mongolian, English and Russian – that can illustrate both “external” (linguistic) and “internal” (linguocultural) modulations of the discourse of a speech act. The results suggest the following preliminary conclusions: categorical signs of “requests” of different linguistic cultures are typologically similar, while maintaining an ethno-cultural background; verbalized grammatically differently, but at the same time illustrate the presence of deeper illocutionary and perlocutionary connections; lexically, the category of “requests” can also be described and compared. The article focuses only on the description of categorical features, grammaticalization and lexicalization of requests in the Buryat linguoculture. The theoretical and practical significance of the highly specific aspect of the ethno-cultural category as a “request” (or speech act) is due to the perspective of the description from the standpoint of discourse, wherere the speech act is able to detect various (and far from indisputable) signs of an ethno-cultural nature.

Keywords: modifiers, speech act, linguocultures, discourse, ethnocultural phenomenon, Mongolian speech act, category “request”, request modulations, verbalizer, minimizer, intensifier


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 For citation: Zhamsaranova Raisa G., (2022).

Discourse of Speech Act as an Ethnocultural Phenomenon.

Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science, Vol. 7, Issue 3 (2022), pp. 98-106 (in USA)

Manuscript received: 24/09/2022

Accepted for publication: 20 /11/2022