DOI: 10.24412/2470-1262-2023-1-80-88
Abstract: The article deals with pedagogical technologies that have the ability to transform in the design process. Design is also a technology that promotes transformation and the discovery of new technologies. From our point of view, transformation is not only the implementation of new technologies but also the ability to use promising opportunities, meet new and changing needs in the educational space. Therefore, all technology transformations have a link called transfer. The transfer of technology to design is considered as an innovative activity aimed at the practical assimilation of the results of scientific research and development increasing the efficiency of methods and means of implementing specific processes that contribute to the creation of new products and technologies in the educational space. The design itself is a technology and a transfer into technology. During the design process, it is necessary to consider it in stages and at each specific stage of the design to identify new transitional technologies and their options.
Keywords: technology, transfer, design, transformation, processes, innovation, new products.
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For citation: Minasyan Svetlana M., (2023).
Design as a Technology Transfer. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science,
Vol. 8, Issue 1 (2023), pp. 80-88 (in USA)
Manuscript received 09/01/2023
Accepted for publication: 26/03/2023