DOI: 10.24412/2470-1262-2022-2-101-110


With the rapid development of society and IT, tangible changes are taking place in the educational system and programs; it becomes possible to explore cause-and-effect relationships and relationships between them, to find solutions in a non-standard way. Technologies, as a kind of mechanism, are capable of using new means and ways of working in the education system, embodied in a real mode. Any technologies should contribute to inadequate solutions, demonstrate their effectiveness, help to find the correct answer to the questions and problems posed, and solve them in a non-standard way. Considering design as an effective product for future education, it is necessary to learn how to identify connections between phenomena, objects, observe changes, finds interesting connections, and pose an original question: how to change, combine, transform, turn over, replace, align, find analogy, to solve in an original way – all this leads to the formation of hard-soft-vital skills, independent and creative, search work and the successful implementation of innovative technologies in the design process bring good results. The article discusses three groups of technologies developed and revised by us for design according to certain characteristics and in the direction of performing functions: technologies that provided non-standard, original solutions; technologies related to rethinking and transformation; creative design technologies, principles of working with these technologies. Evaluation criteria for these technologies are proposed. It is noted that monitoring (Evolution) and adjustment (Statement) determine the effectiveness of the application of the noted technologies in design.

Keywords: design, technology, product efficiency, connections between phenomena, skills formation, rethinking, non-standard solutions, evaluation and assignment


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Information about the authors:

Svetlana M. Minasyan (Yerevan, Armenia) – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (Ph.D.). Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, Ijevan Branch of Yerevan State University. Department of Russian and Foreign Languages, Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University.; SCOPUS Author ID: 56576171400; SPIN-code 765 668; SPIN-code 6745-3510. Research interests: neology, cross-cultural communications, cross-cultural didactics.


Mariam R. Gevorgyan (Yerevan, Armenia) – Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (Yerevan, Armenia), PhD in Physics (Dijon, France).

Lecturer, Faculty of Informatics and Applied Mathematics, French University in Armenia, UFAR. Head of the Department of Education Quality Assurance and Management, ASPU.

Theorist Physicist/Researcher, Institute for Physical Research, NAS.


For citation: Minasyan Svetlana M., Gevorgyan Mariam R., (2022).

Design – a New Solution in Education.

Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science, Vol. 7, Issue 2 (2022), pp. 101-110 (in USA)

Manuscript received: 23/04/2022 – Accepted for publication: 31 /05/2022