DOI: 10.24411/2470-1262-2019-10037
The given research is based on the fact that effectiveness and efficiency of a teacher’s work today depend not only on his or her individual qualities and knowledge, but on willingness and ability to be engaged in collaborative activities with students at the level of partnership and cooperation, as well as on teacher’s culture of social behavior. A contemporary teacher must be distinguished not only by his psychological and pedagogical readiness for professional activity and high motivation, but also must have a number of competencies that imply skills of self-organization and self-education, research skills, as well as the ability to organize a student’s self-education.
The subject of the study is the conditions and techniques for the development of skills of self-education. The purpose of this article is to show some approaches and conditions for the formation of self-education skills among students of a pedagogical university and the skills to guide students’ self-education. We assume (hypothesis) that the presented methods contribute to the formation of student’s self-education skills, if the described work is conducted on a regular basis, the students are distinguished by high motivation and level of analytical thinking. As the methods of achieving this goal we used the classroom activity at the University, students’ self-preparation, including practice at schools. The author describes his own 12-year experience, gives examples and analyzes difficulties and their causes in students’ activities.
Keywords: motivation, research activities, self-organization, skills of self-education, comparative analysis, instructions, analysis scheme, joint activities
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Information about the auther: Natalia V. Korepanova (Moscow, Russia) – PhD in Pedagogics, Assistant Professor in the Institute of «Graduate School of Education of Moscow Pedagogical State University (MPGU)». Published articles about 30, directions: Formation of Outlook in the learning process, Preparation of students of pedagogical University for professional activities, teaching practice, organization of independent work, self-education. E-mail:
For citation: Natalia V. Korepanova, (2019).Conditions of Training of Modern Secondary School Teacher. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science. Vol.4, Issue 1 (2019), pp.97-106(in USA)
Manuscript received: 22/01/ 2019
Accepted for publication: 03/17/2019
The authors have read and approved the final manuscript.
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