DOI: 10.24411/2470-1262-2019-10033


The aim of the article is to find out the structure levels and content components of future foreign language teachers’ linguo-sociocultural competence. The issue is based on the analysis of modern approaches to definition of this cognitive-active phenomenon.

According to the modern scientists’ views linguo-sociocultural competence is the complex of cognitive, activity and personal components. The knowledge about units of the different language levels: the word, the word combination, the sentence and the text form the cognitive component. The communicative skills in the socio-cultural sphere and professional interpretation of language units with the national-cultural meaning are the base of activity component of the competence and training the future specialists in teaching foreign languages. The personal attitude to the language and sociocultural facts and phenomena, the positive approach to the moral code and ethical rules of native speaker’s behaviour belong to the personal component.

In this article the idea of two levels of each component: linguistic and extralinguistic has been offered. The sets of language units which form the linguistic levels have been characterised. The extralinguistic level forms the corresponding blocks of knowledge and skills for operating these units. The amount of each set has to be coordinated with the level of language competence.

The results of the investigation can be used in the educational process to prepare teaching materials, textbooks and manuals for training the future foreign language teachers’ communicative and professional skills in sociocultural sphere. 

Keywords: activity, cognitive and personal components, foreign language teachers, linguistic and extralinguistic levels, linguo-sociocultural competence


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Information about the author: Chen Chunxia (Kharkov, Ukraine) – PhD in Pedagogics (2018) (Theory and methods of teaching (Russian language)). Lecturer. V. N. Karazin Kharkov national university, School of foreign languages, Confucius Institute. Maidan Svobody 4, Kharkov 61045 Ukraine

The area of scientific research: methods of teaching foreign languages, Russian as a foreign language, culturology, language and culture studies.  11 articles.


For citation: Chen Chunxia, (2019).Components of Content and Structure Levels of Foreign Language Teacher’s Linguo-sociocultural Competence. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science. Vol.4, Issue 1 (2019), pp.58-69(in USA)

Manuscript received: 26/02/ 2019

Accepted for publication: 03/17/2019

The authors have read and approved the final manuscript.

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