DOI: 10.24412/2470-1262-2023-2 -33-52

Abstract: This paper intends to propose a communicative analysis of political texts, particularly of some public speeches of President of Russian Federation V.V. Putin. Starting from the growing current interest in the language of political communication in Russia, which is characterized by multiplicity of terminological definitions, an attempt will be made to trace a method of analysis of Putin’s primary texts, which are predominantly configured as hybrid texts, both descriptive and rhetorical, argumentative and persuasive. These texts, overcoming the rigid stylistic norms typical of public discourse, represent a vivid model of political persuasion and such a rich stylistic range that they could also be of great interest in teaching Russian at an advanced level. The analysis will be organized on the macro- and microstructure levels. Thanks to the creation of two small monolingual corpora (“Prewar Speeches” and “War Speeches”), processed on the Sketch Engine platform, a dynamic analysis of some keywords frequency and usage will also be implemented.

Keywords: text analisys, political discours, rhetoric, stylistics, speeches of V.V. Putin


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For citation: Monica Perotto, (2023).

Communicative Analysis of V.V. Putin’s Speeches.    

Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science, Vol. 8, Issue 2 (2023), pp. 33-52 (in USA)

Manuscript received 11/06/2023 

Accepted for publication: 08/07/2023 

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