DOI: 10.24411/2470-1262-2019-10045
The article analyzes the study of the literary works by Anton Chekhov in the American school. The authors examine the role of cognitive scaffolding in the formation of linguo-rhetorical competence of students on the material of Chekhov’s short story “A Problem” (Zadacha). А model of cognitive scaffolding design is proposed from the position of the development of a professional multilingual personality in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The object of consideration were the components of the national rhetorical ideal according to the theory of A. Skovorodnikov. The сonnection of cognitive scaffolding with the specific character of national mentality of students is shown on the example of the applied strategies for activation of students’ understanding, thinking, speech activity.
Methods of formation of students’ representation of the national rhetorical ideal in the culture of another nation through empathy and linguocultural analysis allow to show the differences in cognitive scaffolding in the didactics of the American and Kazakh schools. The reason is seen in the specific features of natural bilingualism in Kazakhstan, in the proximity of Russian and Kazakh cultures in the conditions of a compact residence.
The system of cognitive scaffolding is developed in terms of irony, author’s style and genre transformation. The personal involvement of national experience of understanding common axiological values is considered as a factor of social attractiveness of education. The effectiveness of using cognitive scaffolding in the formation of linguo-rhetorical competence is associated with the strategies of semantic reading, the formation of reader literacy, a combination of receptive and productive activity of students.
Keywords: linguo-rhetorical competence, cognitive scaffolding, empathy, rhetorical ideal, speech activity, active educational methods, Anton Chekhov, the short story “A Problem” ((Zadacha).
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Information about the authors:
Kuralay Urazayeva (Astana, Kazakhstan) – Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor, Professor at L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, (2, Satpaev street, е-mail: She has published 100 articles. Fields of research: “Methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language”, “Pedagogy”, “Philology”).
Sholpan Zharkynbekova (Astana, Kazakhstan) – Doctor of Philology, Professor, Professor at L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, (2, Satpaev street, е-mail: She has published 200 articles. Fields of research: “Methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language”, “Pedagogy”, “Philology”).
Silvia Petkova (Sofia, Bulgaria) – PhD, Associate Professor at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski (1504 Sofia, 15 Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd. е-mail: She has published the book “Metadiscourse Units in Russian: A Functional-Pragmatic Approach“ (2011), as well as 50 articles. Fields of research: methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, pragmatics, discourse analysis, theory of translation.
Karlygash Abylkhassova (Astana, Kazakhstan) – Master student of Russian language and literature, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, (2, Satpaev street, е-mail: She has published 12 articles. Fields of research: “Methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language”, “Pedagogy”, “Philology”).
Special gratitude to the Kozhamkulova Gulmira Asanbekova, Senior Manager of the Center for Educational programmes JSC NIS (Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools), Aitpaeva Aliyah Sairanovna, Manager of the Center for Educational programmes of JSC NIS (Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools) for making available the schoolbooks from the USA to the authors.
Особая благодарность Кожамкуловой Гульмире Асанбековой, старшему менеджеру Центра образовательных программ АО «НИС» (Назарбаев Интеллектуальные школы), Айтпаевой Алие Сайрановне, менеджеру Центра образовательных программ АО НИС (Назарбаев Интеллектуальные школы) за предоставление авторам учебников из США.
For citation: Urazayeva Kuralay B., Zharkynbekova Sholpan K., Petkova Silvia, Abylkhassova Karlygash S., (2019). Cognitive scaffolding and formation of linguo-rhetorical competence of the students during the study of the second language Sample American and Kazakh schools. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science .Vol. 4, Issue 2 (2019), pp. 28-37 (in USA).
Manuscript received: 05/ 20/ 2019
Accepted for publication: 06/17/ 2019
The authors have read and approved the final manuscript.
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