DOI: 10.24411/2470-1262-2020-10092
The article is devoted to the problem of the professional skills development of the future translators among students of the foreign languages faculties, in particular, the formation of cognitive-activity components of the linguistic, interpretive, literary components of adequate understanding and translation of a foreign language text, the development of an algorithm for teaching future translators to translate tropes.
On a background of the intercultural communication processes intensification, an analysis of the current state of linguistic research was undertaken, the expansion and deepening of the communicative-activity paradigm due to the cognitive-semantic aspects of speech activity was stated, the prerequisites for teaching translation existing in modern translation teaching were studied, and methodological gaps in this process were identified.
It was determined that in the methodology of teaching foreign languages, systems for teaching reading and adequate interpretation of texts of a socio-cultural nature have been developed, while the formation of adequate translation skills, a description of the cognitive-activity structure of translation competence are necessary. The structure of such competence is proposed, as well as an invariant methodology for the formation of skills in the analysis of the structure of tropes and their adequate reproduction in the target text under conditions of studying in a multinational group, when comparative mechanisms are ineffective. The components of the translator’s professiogram are listed and described.
Keywords: cognitive-activity bases, foreign language text, translational interpretation, translator’s professiogram, tropes
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Information about the author:
Ushakova Natalia Igorevna (Kharkiv, Ukraine) – Doctor of Pedagogics (2010) (Theory and methods of teaching (Russian language), Full Professor (2013), V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Head of the Language Training Department 1, Institute of International Education for Study and Research. Kharkov, Majdan Svobody 4, 61000. The area of scientific research: methods of teaching foreign languages, Russian and Ukrainian as foreign and second languages, language and culture studies, theory of foreign language manual. 150 articles, 30 manuals and textbooks of Russian and Ukrainian as Second Languages and Languages for Special Purposes for foreign students of philological and non-philological specialties, 7 monographs. .
For citation: Ushakova Natalia I., (2020). Cognitive – Activity Bases for Translational Interpretation of a Foreign Language Text. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science. Vol.5, Issue 3 (2020), pp. 80-88 (in USA)