DOI: 10.24411/2470-1262-2020-10095


This article presents the phenomenon of evaluating a variety of logical and emotional reactions of a person to cognizable reality that arise when comparing it with an idealized model of the world. This is expressed in the possibility of accompanying any kind of assessment with a subjective-expressive factor, which is associated with an evaluating self and embodied in the form of emotion. The article deals with issues related to the classification of estimated values with the determination of the place of the estimated component in the structure of lexical meaning.  The study of assessments in colloquial speech allows us to conclude that there is an assessment in addition to denotative (rational) and connotative (emotional-expressive) as well as the possibility of combining them in one word.  It seems that such words cannot be heard or used outside of an expressive context (respectively – a certain intonation). They appear due to the figurativeness of figurative meanings, which in dictionaries are accompanied, mainly, by only stylistic marks. In addition, the article talks about a whole set of emotional stimuli, that are involved in the assessment of emotions and make it emotionally expressive.A number of examples from literary texts that confirm the validity of judgments are given. The characteristics of the lexical-semantic field – assessment – reflect the most important stylistic features of colloquial speech – its subjectivity and emotionality, increased stylistic coloration, a passion for exaggeration, replenishment of the expressive fund, special functions of grammatical classes of words, etc.

Keywords: assessment, expressive, denotative, connotative, emotional, lexicosemantic field, classification


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Information about the authors:

Svetlana V. Chuprinina (Tbilisi, Georgia) –  PhD associate professor, Department of foreign languages. Georgian Technical University. Tbilisi, Georgia. E-mail: 

Tinatin Sinjiashvil (Tbilisi, Georgia) – PhD full professor, Department of foreign languages. Georgian Technical University. Tbilisi, Georgia.

For citation:Chuprinina Svetlana V., Sinjiashvili Tinatin, (2020). Classification of expressive connotations in colloquial language. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science. Vol.5, Issue 3 (2020), pp. 111-120 (in USA)