DOI: 10.24412/2470-1262-2022-2-15-23


The article deals with the creative fate of Bulat Okudzhava and Bella Akhmadulina, the history of the relationship of poets in the aspect of the philosophical and aesthetic searches of the era. The spiritual affinity of artists was initially determined by the social environment, attitude, affections and predilections. The war became a starting point in the formation of the moral and ethical values of poets, their ideas of honor, conscience and dignity, and largely determined the nature of artistic consciousness. The war left a monstrous aftertaste: a sense of the fragility of human life, fear of death and alienation. The poems embodied the impressions of the participants and eyewitnesses of the events, which enhanced the emotional possibilities of the narrative, giving rise to a new character of artistry.

Keywords: Okudzhava, Akhmadulina, comparative studies, axiological values, lyrics, fate, war, song genre


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 Information about the author:

Polekhina Mayya Mudarrisovna( Moscow, Russia) – doctor of philological Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Linguistics and Translation studies MGIMO (Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University), 3, Novo-Sportivnaya, Odintsovo, 143007, Russia). Spheres of research and professional interest: history of Russian literature, mythopoetics, conceptology, hermeneutics, methodology of scientific research, philological analysis of the text, rhetoric, speech culture, business communication, Russian as a foreign language and methods of teaching. E-mail: illusio2008@yandex.ru

ORCID 0000-0002-1225-8194 – Publications:

Polekhina M.M., Avtorskie konnotacii M. Tsvetaevoj v konceptualnoj kartine mira cheshskogo perioda [v]: Literatura russkoj emigracii, Olomouc 2016, c. 143-154; Polekhina M.M., Poetic thanatology in the discourse of art creativity of M. Tsvetaeva and V.Mayakovsky [v]: «Cross – Cultural Studies: Education and Science» 2018, No 2, с. 50-63; Polekhina M.M., Teffi [v]: Russkie pisateli. 1800-1917. Biograficheskij slovar. Moscow; Sankt-Peterburg 2019, с. 346 – 350; Polekhina M.M., Russian emigration in search of identity: «Modern Notes» (1920-1940) in the context of the dialogue of cultures [v]: Polilog: Studia Neofilologiczne 2020, No 10, с. 19-32; Polekhina M.M., «Cafe conduct» by Boris Pasternak: the formation of an artist, influence and interaction [v]: «Cross – Cultural Studies: Education and Science» 2020. Т.5. No 3, с. 44-55; Polekhina M.M., Nadezhda Taffy and Marina Tsvetaeva: the story of one «never meeting» [v]: Other shores of Russian literature and culture: ideas, poetics, and contexts. Collective monograph. Wroclaw – Krakow, 2021, с. 39-56.

For citation: Polekhina Vayya M., (2022).

Bulat Okudzhava and Bella Akhmadulina: «Crossingof Fates». Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science, Vol. 7, Issue 2 (2022), pp. 15-23 (in USA)

Manuscript received 27/04/2022 – Accepted for publication: 31/05/2022