DOI: 10.24411/2470-1262-2019-10069


This article reveals the essence of associative-advancing relationships and emphasizes its importance in the implementation of advancing teaching. Attaching importance to the idea of strengthening the methodological aspect of education and generalizing fundamental ideas and general logical methods of cognition, it is shown that one of the effective ways to implement the concept of “Education as an educational model of science >> is to search for such technologies in teaching that are personality-oriented and contribute to the development of methodological knowledge through the content component.  In this context, advancing  learning in general and the implementation of associative-advancing relationships in particular are effective tools for the implementation of the methodological aspect of training, in this context, advancing teaching in general and the implementation of associative-advancing relationships in particular are effective tools for the implementation of the methodological aspect of training, since the issues of transferring such knowledge that have a universal, generalized character come to the fore. The mechanism of associative-advancing relationships is to select the material, which is to be advanced in the current lesson and to select the methodology for the implementation of the implicit transfer to the perspective using general logical methods of scientific knowledge. The characteristic features of associative-advancing relationships are put forward and its implicit nature is emphasized.

Keywords: associative advancing teaching, transfer of implicit knowledge, associative-advancing relationships, advancing by method, object of advancing.


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Information about the authors:

Armen M. Tsaturyan (Vanadzor, Armenia) – Doctor of Pedagogics, Ph.D., Associate Professor, H. Tumanyan Vanadzor State University “Vanadzor Special School of Deep Teaching Mathematics and Natural Sciences” SNPO, e-mail:

Svetlana Minasyan (Yerevan, Armenia) – Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Pedagogical Department, Armenia State Pedagogical University, 130 published articles. ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9301-4927; Author ID: 56576171400 (Scopus); Scopus Researcher ID: 765668;  SPIN-COD: 6745-3510; Wos Researcher ID: AAB-7777-2019.

For citation: Tsaturyan Armen, Minasyan Svetlana, (2019).  Associative -Forwarding Links and Their Methodological Functions for Training. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science.Vol. 4, Issue 4 (2019), pp. 79-84 (in USA)

Manuscript received 21/10/2019

Accepted for publication: 26/11/2019

  The authors have read and approved the final manuscript.

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