DOI: 10.24412/2470-1262-2022-3-15-24


As in the main conceptosphere of Andrei Platonov’s short novel The Foundation Pit, in its likeness, in any of the mini-conceptospheres that form the main conceptosphere, there are their dominant and dominated, formative and generated semiotic components on all the levels of the text available in the narrative and semiotic field of the short novel. In The Foundation Pit, Platonov, within the narrative and symbolic framework of his philosophical concepts, deduces certain social archetypes with their inherent class and social behavioural characteristics. The typical features of the manifestation of social, personal and spiritual behavior inherent in these social archetypes are predetermined mainly by their class consciousness and, to an even greater extent, by their social status.

Keywords: Platonov’s conceptosphere, mini-conceptospheres and implicativity of The Foundation Pit, the author’s concepts “Proletariat”, the “Peasant Hard Worker”, “The Collective Farm Poor”, socio-anthropological and psychoanthropological approaches, Platonov’s literary collision of Utopia and Dystopia


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For citation: Bouilov Vassili V., (2022).

Andrei Platonov: The Author’s Concepts “Proletariat”, “Peasant Hard Worker” and “The Collective Farm Poor”.

Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science, Vol. 7, Issue 3 (2022), pp. 15-24 (in USA)

Manuscript received 17/10/2022

Accepted for publication: 20/11/2022