DOI: 10.24412/2470-1262-2023-2-83-93


Abstract: Andrey Platonov, consistently developing in his work an original authorial method, his own unique idiostyle, fundamentally tries to move away from simple and standard writing decisions. The characteristic features of his creative method are the systematic rejection of conventional grammatical forms, which manifests itself in the formation of purely Platonov’s combinations, the mixing of different styles, the connotative nature of his texts, the implicativeness of the author’s discourse with the conscious coding of hidden meanings. The author of this article assumes that Platonov’s well-known interest in the language of experimental silent cinema of the 1920s, as well as his previous experience in scriptwriting, allows him to use his cinematic skills in writing his key prosaic texts. All this allows the writer, using his unique language, to create in the text such a conceptual, emotional, boundless content that most fully expresses all the multidimensionality of Platonov’s artistic world, unique in its figurative diversity.


Keywords: Idiostyle of Andrey Platonov; genre codes; metonymy; metonymic transfer; hyponymic synecdoche; accent words; the problem of space and time; POV/ Point of View; “seeing eye” and “knowing eye”, “external eye-lens”, theory of “superhuman eye”: machine-eye (movie-eye), “science eye”, “unblinking eye of humanity”; perspective shift; change of angle; close-up shot; storyboard footage; sequential-temporal, parallel and associative editing; script commentary



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Information about the Author: Vassili Bouilov (Helsinki, Finland) – Doctor of Philosophy (FT/PhD) Senior lecturer of Russian Language and Translation, University of Eastern Finland (UEF), Faculty of Philosophy, School of Humanities, Foreign Languages and Translation Studies, 

E-mail:, Mob. +358414539704

The author permanently lives in Helsinki.

Vassili Bouilov’s 16-digit ORCID identifier: 0000-0003-2326-1513 

ORCID iD and the link to public record:


Published scientific works and reports – about 100 items (lingua-Stylistic, Lingua-Cultural, Literary, Semiotic and Translation Studies, Cross-Cultural Communication, Specialization in research of Andrei Platonov’s Idiostyle (Platonovovedenie), i.e. Lingua-Stylistic and Translatological Research of his Language, Ontology, Semiotics, Conceptology, etc.


For citation: Bouilov Vassili V., (2023).

Andrei Platonov’s Idiostyle in the Context of 

His Scriptwriting Experience. 

Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science, Vol. 8, Issue 2 (2023), pp. 83-93 (in USA)


Manuscript received 25/05/2023 

Accepted for publication: 08/07/2023

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