DOI: 10.24412/2470-1262-2022-1-106-112
20 years before the advent of postmodernism, in the late 1920s, in the conditions of complete international isolation of the USSR, the unique writer’s worldview of Andrei Platonov has reflected the centuries-old experience of the world, which was spiritually and physically exhausted from its own self-misunderstanding. The essence of this polyphonic reflection was a symbolic anticipation of the postmodern vision of the world. The presence of many apparently objective elements of future postmodern poetics in Andrei Platonov’s short novel The Foundation Pit allows classifying this Platonov’s key literary work as peculiar Russian, or more precisely, Platonov’s forerunner of European postmodernism of the 50-60s.
Keywords: Postmodernism, Andrei Platonov’s literary collision of Utopia and Dystopia, stylistic and philosophical syncretism, semantic eclecticism, menippea, simulacrum, pastiche, carnivalization, hypertextuality, intertextuality, implicativity of narrative, epiphany
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Information about the author:
Vassili Bouilov (Helsinki, Finland) – Doctor of Philosophy (FT/PhD) Senior lecturer of Russian Language and Translation, University of Eastern Finland (UEF), Faculty of Philosophy, School of Humanities, Foreign Languages and Translation Studies, Василий В. Буйлов, Университет Восточной Финляндии, Йоэнсуу, Финляндия.
E-mail:, Mob. +358414539704 Home and personal post address:Vassili Bouilov, Eerikinkatu 23 A11, 00180 Helsinki, Finland
Member of the Union of Translators of Russia (UTR)
Expert of the Guild of Linguistic Experts in Documentation and Information Disputes,
Member of GLEDID Scientific and Advisory Council, Member of GLEDID Editorial Board,Official Representative of GLEDID in Finland (GLEDID, A Russian and InternationalNGO/non-governmental non-profit organization, Moscow, Russian Federation).
Published scientific works – about 80 items (lingua-Stylistic, Lingua-Cultural, Literary,Semiotic and Translation Studies, Cross-Cultural Communication, Specialization in differentaspects of Andrei Platonov’s Idiostyle, Ontology and other writer’s Creative Activities, i.e.Platonovovedenie).
For citation: Bouilov Vassili V. (2022).
Andrei Platonov: Signs of Postmodernism in the Short Novel The Foundation Pit. Andrei Platonov’s Epiphany. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science, Vol. 7, Issue 1 (2022), pp. 106-112 (in USA). Manuscript received 10/02/2022 – Accepted for publication: 28/03/2022