DOI: 10.24411/2470-1262-2021-10107
This article is devoted to the comprehensive description of the formation, development and current state of scientific and technical terminology. The article describes the theoretical and methodological basis for the description and translation of technical texts for educational purposes. The translation of terms can be used as discouraging the language congestion affected by foreign terms. Significant changes in the development of the language, including its terminological layer, contribute to fundamental revision in national lives, for example, the fight against illiteracy, establishing new facilities and primary schools, publishing newspapers and magazines, as well as activity rooms have led to the gave a push development of new scientific and technical vocabulary.
This article is devoted to the comprehensive description of the formation, development and current state of scientific and technical terminology. The article describes the theoretical and methodological basis for the description and translation of technical texts for educational purposes. The translation of terms can be used as a tool for dealing with the congestion of the language with foreign terms. Significant changes in the development of the language, including in its terminological layer, are making fundamental changes in the life of the people, for example, the fight against illiteracy, the opening of new institutions, primary schools, the publication of newspapers and magazines, as well as activity rooms have led to the gave a push development of new scientific and technical vocabulary.
The emergence of terms in the language is due to the desire of people to give an accurate and clear definition of the concepts and realities of objective reality. Before the appearance of writing in the Kazakh language, there were terms of kinship, cattle breeding, and electrical engineering, mathematical, etc. The appearance of writing gave impetus to the formation of humanitarian, educational, technical terminology.
The article analyzes the formation of terms based on the original words and roots that exist in the language. In the given examples, the variants capable of indicating the nominative properties of the concepts are presented.
Keywords: scientific and technical terminology, semantic structure of the term, root, affixes, calque, loan translation, morpheme
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Information about the author:
Kurmanbaeva Tolganay (Kazakhstan, Almaty) – doctoral student of KazNPU named after Abai, senior lecturer of the department of language knowledge of the Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications named after G. Daukeev (AUPET named after G. Daukeev), She has more than 15 publications. Fields of research: Russian language and literature, scientific and technical terminology, linguistics, professional Russian language (050040, Almaty, Koktem-2, house 8),
For citation: Kurmanbayeva T.S., (2021).
Analysis of the use of scientific and Technical Terminology for Educational Purposes. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science, Vol.6, Issue 1 (2021), pp. 85-94 (in USA).