DOI: 10.24411/2470-1262-2020-10080
Abstract: Questions about the organization and implementation of distance learning at public schools during force majeure conditions, its pros&cons have been discussed in this article. The effectiveness of distance learning has been enhanced both from the point of social pedagogical expedience and remote learning tools. In the wake of COVID_19 pandemic, during emergencies massive isolation of people is regarded as a force majeure condition in the educational system. And, hence distance learning has been observed as an alternative way of learning. On the basis of research and survey results, made among the parents of RA different school pupils, future perspectives of distance learning have been indicated. Taking into consideration social pedagogical, technical equipment, program-ensuring point of view, the observation of this issue reveals that during the force majeure conditions distance learning is so far the best alternative learning method, but it can never fully replace the traditional classroom learning system. About 97.7 percent of the parents participated in the survey had the same opinion, pointing that distance learning not only obstacles the socialization, but also causes some serious health and psychological problems. Therefore, some elements of distance learning, which refer to obtaining and transmitting the information, can be included in the educational process.
Keywords: Public school, emergencies, alternative learning, educational methodology basis, socialization
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Information about the author:Karhanyan Garegin Gagik (Vanadzor (Lori Province), Armenia) – Lecturer in “Mkhitar Gosh” Armenian-Russian International University (Ra Lori Province, Vanadzor Tigran Metsi Ave., 30a building. Director of Vanadzor Basic School N27 named after Ghevond Alishan (RA Lori Province, Vanadzor Taron 4 Zeytuni st.,3-/4 building). mobil/Whatsapp: +37499002280
For citation: Karhanyan Garegin G., (2020).
Analysis of Distance Learning in Force Majeure Conditions.
Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science
Vol.5, Issue 2 (2020), pp. 92-96 (in USA)