DOI: 10.24412/2470-1262-2021-2-39-48


In his article, the author compares the effectiveness of the educational process during the pandemic crisis, when all educational institutions were suddenly switched online. To what extent is the distance education system able to replace the previously existing offline education system? The author provides comparative statistics on the level of educational achievement of young people from the pre-pandemic period, published by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea. Also in his article, the author continues to discuss the effectiveness of using the Flipped Learning approach, which is in harmony with the traditional teaching methods adopted in Korean audience. In addition, the work presents electronic tools that were created at the state level during the pandemic, protecting copyrights for educational content presented online, and electronic tools that help teachers fight anti-plagiarism among students.

Keywords: Flipped learning approach, pandemic situation, online education, distances learning, and linguistic competence


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Information about the author:

Svetlana A. Asanova, has Ph.D. in field of Electronic Lingua-Didactic, she is an Assistant Professor at Incheon National University, SONAS College, Incheon, South Korea. (119 Academy-ro, Yoensu-gu, Incheon, 406-772, South Korea),
She has more than 30 publications. Field of research: media linguistic, electronic-lingua-didactic, bilingualism, ethno-methodic, discursive linguistics, innovative methodic and technology for education, business communication for Economists, and teaching English as second language.

For citation: Asanova Svetlana A., (2021).

Adapting to the New Era of Education. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science, Vol.6, Issue 2 (2021), pp. 39-48 (in USA)