DOI: 10.24411/2470-1262-2020-10081
Abstract: This article analyzes various concepts regarding the need to optimize the process of adapting beginner teachers to ensure the continuity of the career path. From the academic literature researched by us, we will note only some of the multiple perspectives of professional adaptation, taking into account the following dimensions: pedagogical adaptation (educational aspect), psychological adaptation (teacher personality) and sociocultural adaptation (socio-cultural and relational values). The most important theoretical approaches and explanatory models are reviewed, regarding the relationship between academic adaptation as a difficult moment of adaptation in the university environment and the difficulties of professional adaptation, noting the observed impediments.
In the Republic of Moldova, the concepts of academic adaptation and professional adaptation
were approached from various aspects of the theory and practice of human resource management in education, advancing research with an innovative character and relevant to the field of reference.
In our view, when analyzing the theoretical and practical aspects, especially regarding beginningteachers (without professional experience) and professional adaptation or the factors involved in optimizing the professional adaptation process, professional maladaptation must be understood restrictively, depending on the personality of the teacher and on the culture of the professional environment. To this end, beginning teachers need to have two types of information about the environment and about themselves: 1) regarding the culture and requirements of the educational environment and 2) regarding their own level of adaptation and flexibility. In this article are presented some practical ideas, through which we argue that optimizing the professional adaptation of beginning teachers begins with academic adaptation, which involves adaptation in the educational environment, adaptation to the characteristics of academic tasks. Therefore, a successful process of professional adaptation for teachers begins in the university environment and must contain special programs in which all employees in that field will be invited to participate.
Keywords: adaptation, academic adaptation, professional adaptation, beginning teachers
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Information about the author:
Ecaterina Țarna (Chisinau, Moldova) – Doctor of Pedagogics, Associate professor, Chisinau
Pedagogical State University „Ion Creanga”, Moldova. Academic teaching experience and areas of scientific interest: pedagogy, psychology, communication, conflictology. More than 60 publications national and international. Latest projects: “Consolidation of freedom of opinion in the Republic of Moldova”, implemented in the Republic of Moldova with the support of Deutsche Welle Akademie and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany (2015-2019); Postdoctoral research project ” The pedagogical values of developing non-conflictual attitudes in students from the professional integration perspective “, sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research and the National Agency for Research and Development, implemented at the State Pedagogical University “Ion Creangă” (2019-2021). e-mail:
Mariana Goraș (Chisinau, Moldova) – Deputy Chief, Education Department, Ministry of Education, Culture and Research, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. Doctoral School “Educational Sciences”, State Pedagogical University “Ion Creangă” from Chisinau. Research topic: “Optimizing the professional adaptation of beginner teachers” (5 publications).
For citation: Tarna Ecaterina A., Goras Marina A., (2020).
Academic Adaptation – Intensive Process of
Preparation for Professional Adaptation.
Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science
Vol.5, Issue 2 (2020), pp. 97-106 (in USA)