DOI: 10.24412/2470-1262-2023-1-28-34
Abstract: This article is devoted to issues of the genre – as one of the most pressing and most debatable problems today. The purpose of this article is to characterize the genre of historical novel and the genre of essays in Kazakh literary criticism, as well as to provide information about representatives of these genres: Ilyas Esenberlin and Bakhyt Kairbekov. Issues of diversity and changes in genres in literature are very relevant and require further study. This will identify important patterns of their development, establish relations between them, determine the specifics of their kinds, and also find which of the genres have outlived their age, and which are still quite viable and meet the spirit of the times. The question of continuity in the development of genres, of historically repeated signs found in the variety of individual genres, in the history of literary criticism is most deeply posed by scientists who have studied literature in close connection with social life.
Keywords: genre, literary criticism, essay, Kazakh literature, historical novel
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For citation: Beisenova Zhainagul S., Seralimova Saule A.,
Abdrakhmanova Elmira A., (2023).
About Genre Diversity in Modern Kazakh Literature. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and
Science, Vol. 8, Issue 1 (2023), pp. 28-34 (in USA)
Manuscript received 11/02/2023
Accepted for publication: 26/03/2023