DOI: 10.24411/2470-1262-2021-10098
The article presents a panoramic study of the main trends in Kazakh literature development during the Independence period. Its innovative trends are highlighted in their deep connection with the national and world literary tradition. The definitions of artistic tradition, epistemes of the historical and cultural code, documentary and quasi-documentary narratives in the literary text structure, and other terms are introduced.
Keywords: Kazakh literature, Kazakh prose, period of Independence, Russian-language literature of Kazakhstan.
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Information about the authors:
Gulsana A. Jakipova (Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan) – PhD. Student of the the Gumilev Eurasian National University (010008, Nur-Sultan, Kanysh Satpayev street,2). She has published 6 articles. Fields of research: Grammatical difficulties in simultaneous translation, intercultural communication, theory of Kazakh and Russian literature.
Zhainagul S.Beisenova (Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan) – Doctor of Philology, professor at the Russian Philology Department of the Gumilev Eurasian National University (010008, Nur-sultan, Kanysh Satpayev street, 2). She has more than 200 publications. Fields of research: terminology, lexicology, cognitive linguistics, intercultural communication, modern Russian language, semiotics. Cultural anthropology.
For citation:Jakipova G. A, Beissenova Zh.S., (2021).
A new Intellectual Tide in Kazakh Literature. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science, Vol.6, Issue 1 (2021), pp. 6-13 (in USA)