DOI: 1024411/2470-1262-2020-00002


In professional activities, the skill to efficiently manage your time plays a vital role. Professional activity is a long-term process where time is a critical and nonrenewable resource. Efficient time management ensures life strategies in situations of uncertainty and determines time prioritization in professional fulfillment (K.A. Abul’hanova, A.K. Bolotova). Time remains an important reserve of mental personal organization; however, it is very rarely used. When social development and the rate of activities intensifies the problem of procrastination becomes of practical significance. It becomes necessary to work under difficult time constraints, delay task fulfillment, reallocate time priorities and time limits in situations of interpersonal and professional communication (A.K. Bolotova, 2007). Rational use of lifetime, orientation on future time perspectives (F. Zimbardo, 2010), looming professional horizons and personal growth leads to high career achievements. Today, the study of personal capacity and career opportunities assumes research of time perspectives and activities strategies. However, the amount of these studies in modern psychology is not enough.

Keywords: time perspective, procrastination, structure   of prockrastination, professional level, activity, professional, psychology, communication.


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Information about the author:

Alla Konstantinovna Bolotova (Moscow, Russia) – Doctor of Psychology, Professor Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Psychology, National Research University “Higher School of Economics” (HSE), address: Armyanskiy L., 4/2, Moscow, 101000, Russia,


For citation:

Bolotova Alla K., (2020). The Procrastination Phenomenon and Time Perspectives at Professional Level. Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science. Vol.5, Issue 4 (2020), pp. 18-26 (in USA)

Manuscript received 15/02/2020

Accepted for publication: 17/03/2020

The authors have read and approved the final manuscript.

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