DOI: 10.24411/2470-1262-2020-10082

Abstract: The present article discusses that in a traditional classroom the “bath” method is achieved through using all kinds of objects, games, and icebreakers that the teacher has prepared before class and uses throughout the lesson. Good examples are: a ball or other types of classroom materials (pens, pencils of different colors and dimensions, books, notebooks, sheets, cards, posters, and letters of the alphabet) in the foreign language that students use in their exercises and tasks. All of this requires hours of preparation, not to mention that you have to haul all of these items with you to every class… For those of us who have performed these types of activities in our classes we know just how tiring it can be.
The present article outlines approaches to researching language learning in on-line environments and survey research that has been conducted to date. Is it worthwhile to use the
Internet in Language teaching? What is a virtual classroom? What is its purpose? How long
have you used virtual classrooms at the university? How has your experience been with the
implementation of virtual classrooms? What do you do in the virtual classroom as the teacher?
What activities do you propose and what tools do you use the most? What tools from the virtual classroom do you usually not use? Have you had any sort of limitations or difficulties to design
or use virtual classrooms? How have you overcome the aforementioned difficulties? From our
personal view, how effective is the use of virtual classrooms as a complement to classes in a
physical space? We can use several approaches to learn about such issues. One is to talk to
fellow teachers. Another is to try things out in the classroom and see how they work. And
another is to conduct and share research.

Keywords: English Language Teaching, Education System, Network Communication, Computer
Discussions, Modern Technologies, Virtual Classroom


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Information about the authors:
Darejan Geladze – Doctor of Education, Assistant Professor of Batumi Shota Rustaveli State
University (Georgia, Batumi, Ninoshvili Street 35, 6010); Mobile Phone: (+995) 599 262 748;

Maia Takidze – Doctor of Education, A Senior Lecturer of Batumi Shota Rustaveli State
University (Georgia, Batumi, Ninoshvili Street 35, 6010); Mobile Phone: (+995) 597 828 293;

For citation: Geladze Darejan, Tkidze Maia, (2020).
Modeling Virtual Classroom Environment for Teaching English Language.
Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science
Vol.5, Issue 4 (2020), pp. 103-113 (in USA)